Rehabilitation Can Help You Regain Your Independence

If you’ve suffered a setback in your health, your physician probably recommended rehab. Rehab is a common term for rehabilitation. Rehabilitation is available for many different health conditions including, chronic pain, stroke, orthopedic concerns, speech problems, cardiac recovery, sports injuries and balance. When you visit a rehabilitation center clearwater fl you can regain your independence with a skilled team of therapists.

A therapist will evaluate your condition and administer a variety of tests. These are not invasive tests that require blood to be drawn or that will hurt you. They will see what you are and aren’t capable of doing. For example, if you had cardiac surgery and need to regain your strength and stamina, they will measure how far you can walk without becoming winded. They will also check the flexibility and strength of your arms after surgery. They will help you increase your muscle strength so you can recover to your pre-surgery condition.


When you rehab at a physical therapy clearwater fl, it eliminates the need for you to go to a nursing home for your rehab care. If you’ve had a knee or hip replacement, your doctor may recommend rehabilitation to prepare your body for surgery. They will recommend rehabilitation after surgery. When you’re established with a therapist before your surgery, they will be more aware of your condition and can provide you with a continuity of care. You will feel more comfortable being a spa style rehabilitation center instead of a hospital or nursing home.

If you suffer from chronic pain, you are looking for any relief you can get to stop the pain. A therapist can work with you to increase your flexibility, mobility and strength. They will start with light stretching and exercise and increase your exercises over time. This helps you to get your joints, muscles and ligaments limber and gives you back your strength. It doesn’t matter what your health rehabilitation need is when you visit an experience rehabilitation center. Their experienced therapists will work together to give you the best care possible. Their goal is give you the independence that you want to live your life to the fullest.

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